3 Things Couples Leaving A Long-Term Marriage Need To Keep In Mind

Getting divorced after many years of marriage may be unexpected – but divorce can (and does) happen in all age groups, after any number of years of marriage. While the process of a divorce after a long marriage is just the same as the process of a divorce after just a few years of marriage, your concerns are likely going to be very different. Here’s what you need to keep in mind about divorce after many years of marriage:

Heat Exhaustion Can Lead To Personal Injury Lawsuits

Heat exhaustion can pop out of nowhere, and it hits suddenly before you even realize you are overheated. Even when the temperature outside is not extreme, you might find that working your body hard leads to exhaustion you’ve never experienced before. Heat exhaustion is unlike many other injuries people associate with personal injuries. First of all, there is no physical injury, like a broken bone or cut, that provides evidence that an injury has occurred.

Preparing For Divorce: What To Do

Preparing for divorce is never easy or fun; you expected to be married forever but things aren’t working out the way you expected. As you get ready to become divorced, know you have somewhat of a battle around you. It can take months to finalize a divorce, especially if you have children or major assets — like home ownership — in common. Use this guide to help you prepare for divorce so you make the process as smooth on yourself as possible.

Smart Pre-Bankruptcy Moves To Make Now

When it’s become obvious that your financial situation is not going to improve without taking drastic measures, you might want to pause for a second. Making the most of a major financial and legal action like a chapter 7 bankruptcy filing might mean taking part in some preparatory tasks. Read below to find out some things you can do right before you file that might mean a better bankruptcy experience.

3 Factors That Impact Your Child Support Payment Costs

If you are paying child support, it is important to understand all of the different ways that your child support payment costs can be impacted by different circumstances. Parenting Time Impacts Child Support Payment Costs In most states, the amount of time that you spend with your child directly impacts the amount of child support that you have to pay. The amount of time that you spend with your child can directly impact what you pay in child support.

How to Enforce Your Visitation Rights

There are cases where the custodial parent may make it difficult for you to see your child even if you have visitation rights issued by the court. Here are the measures you should take to enforce your visitation rights: Gather Proof of the Denials Before doing anything, you need to ensure that you can back up your denial claims if push comes to shove; you don’t want it to be your word against the other parent.