5 Common Myths About Criminal Defense & Courts

If you have been charged with a crime for the first time, it is normal that you have a lot of questions. It is even possible that you might believe some common myths. When it comes to criminal defense, you need to have your head on your shoulders. Do not fall prey to one of these common myths.

Myth: Every Conviction Leads to Prison Time

Every conviction is a bit different. Some people will spend years in prison, while others may face suspended sentences and probation. Your sentence will depend on the conviction you face as well as your state's regulations. Even if you are found guilty, you may avoid prison or jail time. You may be able to get probation or pay a monetary fine. You don't have to resign yourself to a prison or jail sentence. An attorney may be able to help you.

Myth: Improper Search & Seizure Makes Conviction Impossible

While a violation of your rights can help your case, it does not mean that you cannot be convicted. You are not automatically off the hook because the police violated your rights. Your criminal defense attorney may be able to have evidence thrown out, though, which can lead to a 'not guilty' conviction.

Myth: Misdemeanor Offenses Won't Hurt Your Future

Even a misdemeanor conviction can lead to up to a year in jail and hefty monetary fines. While a misdemeanor is less serious than a felony, it does not mean you should take these offenses lightly. You should know that even misdemeanors will stay on your record and can make life more difficult if you are looking for a job.

Myth: Defense Attorneys Can't Help You If You're Guilty

Some people think that because they did commit a crime, they cannot be helped by a criminal defense attorney. An attorney can actually help you in several ways, by preventing some evidence from being entered into court and helping reduce your charges if necessary. Even if you admit you committed a crime, your attorney can reduce the consequences you face.

Myth: You Don't Need a Criminal Defense Attorney

Some people are under the impression that if they are innocent, they will not be found guilty. Innocent people have been found guilty in the past.

As you can see, a criminal defense attorney is a crucial fixture in helping you get through the next steps. You can rely on your attorney to avoid misinformation. For more information about hiring a criminal defense attorney for your case, contact a local law practice.
